The Recipe for Superb Sleep – How One Product Is Making Waves in the Sleeping Pills Market

Our sleep-deprived 55-year-old reader and subscriber shares her story, from barely getting any sleep at night to a consistent 7-8 hours of unadulterated bliss once her head touches the pillow. Read her story below…
Fighting the urge to jolt my snoring husband back to the land of the living, I couldn't help but think how much I hated him at that moment.
Okay, I didn't really hate him – I was envious of him. I wanted him to be awake and suffer along with me.
As another night passed by with him happily sleeping beside me, every passing minute felt like an hour, every hour like a day.
It had been weeks since I had a proper night of sleep – and it showed.
Dark bags hung under my eyes, and my face – was blotchy.
Life was becoming more and more of a struggle each day.
"Why me?" I asked myself.
I had a healthy diet; I exercised fairly regularly, and I felt tired when I went to bed.
Yet still, sleep eluded me.

Back when I was a youngster, this didn't really bother me much – in fact, I could happily go through life on a couple of hours of sleep each night; it was easy.
In my 7th decade of life, though, it was causing me more issues than I'd like to admit.
I was becoming irritable, avoidant, and angry about the smallest of things.
The worst part of all? I didn't even have the energy to spend valuable time with the people I love the most – my kids and grandkids.
The lack of sleep was slowly sapping my energy, and nothing I tried did any help.
Sleeping pills had no noticeable effects, audiobooks wound up distracting me, and blackout curtains did nothing but exaggerate the noises I could hear.
Every remedy ended up being useless.
The Unlikely "Sleep Support Patch" That Turned Back the Clock and Gave Me My Life Back

Around a month ago I was talking on the phone to my friend, Jane, gently weeping about my problems and hoping she would have some, if not advice, at least words of affirmation.
She seemed as happy as ever – full of energy and life… I, again, felt that pang of envy.
When I told her about my trouble sleeping, she said that she, too, had been having similar issues…
Until, of course, she came across a strange new "Sleep Support Patch" from a company called "Wellamoon."
It was giving her deep, restful, and rewarding sleep every night since she put it on for the first time.
My first thought was, naturally, that I was happy for her… although I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous.
"Wow, it must be nice being able to fix your sleep problems so easily; that would never work for me."
She told me to try it, saying that it turned her life around and it could do the same for me.
I was skeptical – nothing had ever worked before, so why would this be any different?
But she kept insisting.
So I checked it out online.
I remember thinking to myself, "this is far too simple to actually work for me."
But then I surprised myself. I realized, at this point, I had nothing to lose.
I was already suffering each day; I was already not sleeping at night, and I was already feeling like my mind was melting.
"So why not try everything possible to change that?" I thought to myself.
If you're reading this far, you probably understand what I meant.
I desperately wanted to feel like myself again, to be able to enjoy the company of my loved ones, to spend time with my grandkids without them being scared of the haggard old witch I felt like.
I simply wanted my life back.
So, I bit the bullet and ordered my first pack of Wellamoon Sleep Support Patches.
Putting the Simple Method to the Test – With Surprising Results

The package arrived in just a few days, and despite it being the morning, I was desperate to try them.
But my husband intervened, "hey, take a breath; let's wait till the evening and see what happens."
He was right; of course, I needed to wait to give myself the best chance.
As soon as it hit 9 PM and our usual bedtime was here, I was ready.
I tore open the pack and applied the patch to my arm.
It was a mix of feelings – apprehension that this won't work, the excitement that it might, and desperation – it had to.
I first noticed that the patch didn't seem to bother me at all – a point I was slightly concerned about might be the case. It didn't irritate my skin or feel sticky.
To be honest, I didn't really notice it being there at all. It was also super easy to take off in the morning, but we're skipping ahead…
After about 5 minutes, I started to feel…different. Not more tired, I don't think that was even possible – more so it was an urge to relax.
My first thought was that this was a placebo, but I comforted myself by acknowledging that nothing before had given me this feeling, and something had to be happening.
So, I got into bed, closed my eyes, and something amazing happened…
I woke up.
Feeling wide awake, I thought to myself, "well, my husband is still snoring; here we go again, another night spent in and out of sleep."
That's when I rolled over to look at the clock.
7:33 AM.
I slept for almost ten straight hours, not waking once during that time.
I was absolutely astonished.

Before that night, it had been a matter of at least 5 months since I slept more than 4-5 hours per night – and even then, I'd be waking up countless times in between.
But after just one night with this patch on, I felt like I was on cloud nine.
I almost teared up a little, knowing that this could be a turning point for me.
I went downstairs and made breakfast for us, and the moment my husband saw me, he knew it had worked.
"Welcome back, love," he said to me.
Fast forward to today, and I haven't had a bad night of sleep ever since.
I'm able to spend more time with my loved ones…
My husband, in particular, is thrilled to have the woman he married back…
Above all, I feel like myself again. What a feeling.
Learn More About How Wellamoon Can Help You Get Full-Nigh's Sleep >>>
What Makes Wellamoon Sleep Support Patches So Effective?

Maybe you're wondering what makes it work so well. There are a few things about this advanced sleep technology patch that makes it work so well:
A powerful sleep complex made up of natural, high-quality ingredients to create the perfect mix for deep, restful sleep.
Melatonin - A naturally occurring hormone produced by the brain when it starts getting dark outside – signaling to your body that it's time to start resting.
Hops - Studies have suggested that hops have a sedative effect on us – in addition, they have long been used to help with sleep and anxiety disorders, including insomnia
Magnesium Malate - Magnesium is an essential mineral, playing a vital role in almost every process in your body. You need it to activate neurotransmitters responsible for relaxing and calming your body and mind.
Valerian Root - A herb that's been used in traditional medicine for centuries – now commonly known as nature's valium. However, unlike valium, it's safe, side-effect-free, and completely natural. It's presumed to reduce stress and insomnia symptoms and help you fall asleep more easily.
Slow-Release Technology ensures that you don't only fall asleep but stay asleep throughout the night.
An Unbelievable 65% Absorption Rate – compared with most oral sleeping aids, which have an absorption rate of roughly 15%
Natural Ingredients to ensure that Wellamoon Sleep Support Patches are not habit-forming like so many other sleeping aids.
Speedy Reaction Time – for fast-acting relief. Other sleeping aids may take almost 3-5 hours to fully react.
An All-natural Adhesive – allowing a safe application to your skin, giving you the freedom to wear them almost anywhere on your body, and ensuring they stay in place all night long.
No Morning "Hangover" – Wakes you up feeling refreshed and ready to seize the day.

Where Can I Buy Wellamoon Sleep Support Patches?
Wellamoon Sleeping Patches is sold on their website only. If you feel like it's time for you to finally get a hold of your sleep problems and start waking up on the right side of the bed, you're in luck.
Right now, all readers that click the button below can get 70% off their first order of natural Wellamoon Sleep Support Patches!
UPDATE : You can access the 70% OFF SALE by clicking this exclusive link below. Due to HIGH DEMAND stock is currently reduced in United States of America and the sale is ending very soon, so you need to act now!
Limited time only – Get 70% OFF Now!How Much Longer Will You Struggle With Restless Nights?

Wellamoon Sleep Support Patches are created with real, natural, and safe sleep technology – without costing you a fortune.
Yet, many people are still continuing without safe, quality sleep every night – Wellamoon wants to change that and provide you with the best sleep quality – the one you deserve, but at a fraction of the cost.
For less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day, you can reinvent yourself and find your energy once again.
Click the button below now and get 70% off your first order of Wellamoon Sleep Support Patches!
Exclusive Wellamoon Patches Discount -
70% OFF!Use the discount as long as it exists.
* Only available for a short time, whilst stocks last
Current Availability:
LOW STOCK. Sell out Risk: HIGH
Here are some of the few reviews we encountered:

Finally! 8 hours of sleep!
I honestly didn't think these were going to work, but thought they were worth a try. I LOVE THEM! I have been using them for three weeks and my sleep has improved since day one. Nice deep sleep but no morning grogginess!
Best sleep I've had in a long time!
I have had trouble sleeping since my 20s, never had luck with any products. If you give these a try, they can really improve sleep quality - at least they did that for me. This is very easy to put on. I use it for my mother too who has sleep issues. These patches help her relax and sleep.
This works!
This has so much more than just melatonin. A lot of really great relaxing type of herbs in it as well. No hangover or groggy feeling the next morning. Me and my husband love them!